Climate change affects YOU.





2020 On average, category 4 - 5 hurricanes make landfall in your state each year.
2050 On average, category 4 - 5 hurricanes make landfall in your state each year: an increase of 110%
1997 2300 deaths anually due to extreme heat.
2020 Your city can expect days above 90°
2050 Your city can expect days above 90°
2050 Global temperatures are expected to increase
2050 7,700-10,300 deaths annually
2090 10,400-26,000 deaths annually
2020 You live in a county in which of property is at substantial risk of flooding.
40% of all US properties have substantial flood risk.
In your county, there are
160,000 Properties at Risk
2050 You live in a county in which of property WILL BE at substantial risk of flooding.
69% of all US properties WILL HAVE substantial flood risk.
In your county, there WILL BE
200,000 Properties at Risk
Protect yourself from flood damage.
2020 You live in a state in which wildfires burned in the last 10 years.
In the entire US 57,000 wildfires burned THIS YEAR.
10,300,000 acres
2050 Conservative predictions estimate the average area burned yearly in the western US will be 5,400,000 acres.
That is 7 Rhode Islands every year.
2100There will be 40,000 smoke related deaths per year in the US alone.